MIT Sloan MBA Guide (2025 Entering Class)

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Learn how to Answer the 2024-25 MIT Sloan MBA Cover Letter, Video Statements & Optional Essay Question with F1GMAT's MIT Sloan MBA Essay Guide

Q1) Cover Letter: MIT Sloan seeks students whose personal characteristics demonstrate that they will make the most of the incredible opportunities at MIT, both academic and non-academic. We are on a quest to find those whose presence will enhance the experience of other students. We seek thoughtful leaders with exceptional intellectual abilities and the drive and determination to put their stamp on the world. We welcome people who are independent, authentic, and fearlessly creative — true doers. We want people who can redefine solutions to conventional problems, and strive to preempt unconventional dilemmas with cutting-edge ideas. We demand integrity and respect passion. 

Taking the above into consideration, please submit a cover letter seeking a place in the MIT Sloan MBA program. Your letter should conform to a standard business correspondence, include one or more professional examples that illustrate why you meet the desired criteria above, and be addressed to the Admissions Committee (300 words or fewer, excluding address and salutation)

Video Essay 1: Introduce yourself to your future classmates. Here’s your chance to put a face with a name, let your personality shine through, be conversational, be yourself. We can’t wait to meet you! (60 seconds)

Video Essay 2: All MBA applicants will be prompted to respond to a randomly generated, open-ended question. The question is designed to help us get to know you better; to see how you express yourself and to assess fit with the MIT Sloan culture. It does not require prior preparation.  (Not included in the Essay Guide but use the strategy shared in the Video Essay Chapter for preparation)

MIT Sloan Optional Essay: How has the world you come from shaped who you are today? For example, your family, culture, community, all help to shape aspects of your life experiences and perspective. Please use this opportunity if you would like to share more about your background.

F1GMAT's MIT Sloan MBA Essay Guide:

1) Will show you how to shortlist stories by creating an IMPACT Table with Achievements, Impact, Success in Dollar terms, Impact Index and Total Value

2) Includes 6 Hurdles that you should mention in MIT Sloan Cover Letter

3) Demonstrates how to structure the cover letter and cover all aspects of your profile: education, employment, potential, and motivation in just 300 words

4) Includes the common traits of accepted MIT Sloan MBA candidates (position your profile accordingly)

5) Includes six SAMPLE cover letters for inspiration

Sample Cover Letter – Technology to Consulting (284 Words) 

Sample Cover Letter – Healthcare Entrepreneurship (297 Words)  

Sample Cover Letter – Consulting to Technology (298 Words)  

Sample Cover Letter – Wealth Management to FinTech (299 Words)

Sample Cover Letter – Manufacturing to Consulting (Retail) (299 Words)  

Sample Cover Letter – Strategy to Consulting (297 Words)  

6) Includes the Summary of the latest MIT Sloan MBA Curriculum

7) Includes a simple 4-step strategy to answer the VIDEO Statement with three samples

Sample Video Statement – Technology Consultant with the ambition to transform Education (161 Words)

Sample Video Statement - Accounting Professional with a unique patent (142 Words)   

Sample Video Statement – Oil & Gas Professional with a passion for Flying and Exploration(152 Words)   

8) Includes 3 Sample Optional Essays

Sample MIT World Shaped Who You Are Essay – Homeschooling (248 Words)    

Sample MIT World Shaped Who You Are Essay – War Trauma (242 Words)    

Sample MIT World Shaped Who You Are Essay – Military Upbringing (242 Words)   

9) Includes 200+ pages of Essay Writing and Editing Tips

Who Should Buy MIT Sloan MBA Essay Guide?

If you don't know how to format the cover letter, MIT Sloan MBA Essay Guide with the Sample Cover letter will take you through each element of a Winning Cover Letter.

If you don't know what part of the curriculum should be quoted in the Cover Letter, our curriculum analysis will separate the essential from the routine courses

If your optional essay looks too bland, MIT Sloan MBA Essay Guide will show you, with examples, on how to use the elements of Storytelling like Incorporating "The Struggle", using Emotional connectors, narrating the Journey and the use of Chronology, Vividness and Active Verbs to transform your essays.

If you are stuck in the Writing process, MIT Sloan MBA Essay Guide will show you how to silence the Analytic Mind and overcome mental blocks.

Pages: 331

Version: 2025 Entering Class


"The structure of this book is surprisingly useful. The first chapter is an exercise on doing a life audit and shortlisting events that could be broken down into achievement overview, specifics, and impact on the team. The impact table demonstration in the essay guide help breaks down each impactful life and career event into a table format. This exercise helped me explore and compare projects that I had trouble coming up with a narrative for. The details of each project in a table helped me find the 'W' pattern of the narrative (a brilliant chapter). The cover letter samples were unique and different from each other, opening up the possibilities and combinations that work for MIT Sloan. Most essay guides I've read only focus on written essays, but the guide also had scripts for the Video Essay." - Verified Purchase

"The essay guide has a wealth of insight on shortlisting events that are essential for the 300-word cover letter. The interesting arguments on choosing the best project not just by revenue but by impact changed my strategy for the Sloan application. The power of the guide lies in the writing tips and overall storytelling that follows the MIT Sloan essay tips. The Storytelling and Leadership chapters are absolutely essential. If you have the time, study the chapters on editing and reviewing. It is powerful. " - Verified Purchase

"The first two chapters on the IMPACT table, cover letter writing, and the chapters on leadership & editing are where the goldmine is for me. It’s not prescriptive; instead, the author offers a cohesive argument as to why certain achievements don't deserve space in the cover letter. I had to unlearn a lot about writing and capturing the essence of who I am in a cover letter format. The guide alleviated my struggles with storytelling, which I used to script my answers for the video question. As someone who struggled with MBA application essays in general, the essay guide goes beyond the MIT Sloan MBA application. " - Verified Purchase

"I read the entire book, which I felt made me think about cover letters from a new angle. My job application had several templates that worked for the Big 4, but for the MBA application, I knew the competition was different. The structuring exercise and step-by-step instructions on improving the examples by listing them in a table format resonated with me the most. This book makes a lot of sense once you are ready with a draft and need that sparkle. It is specifically for MIT Sloan applicants but broadly covers tips for Essay writing as well." - Verified Purchase

"A wonderful book on writing a cover letter for MIT Sloan. The author discusses how to create an IMPACT table - an exercise that changed my idea of what was impactful in my life. I included a volunteering experience in the cover letter for this very reason, which turned out to be a big USP for my application. Some tips on including 6 obstacles felt too specific, but overall the tips forced me to brainstorm examples that I otherwise would have ignored. Also interesting were the scripts included for the video prompt that set the tone on how to approach the answer. " - Verified Purchase